![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Rome - St Peters Basilica 0805.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Rome - St Peters Basilica 0834.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Rome - San Giovanni 0855.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Rome - San Giovanni 0883.jpg) |
Rome - St Peters Basilica 0805 922 X
691 39 KB |
Rome - St Peters Basilica 0834 691 X
922 50 KB |
Rome - San Giovanni 0855 922 X 691 43
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Rome - San Giovanni 0883 922 X 691 47
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![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Rome - Spanish Steps 0892.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Rome - Colosseum 0907.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Rome - Trevi Fountain 0909.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Rome to Florence - Train Ride 0912.jpg) |
Rome - Spanish Steps 0892 922 X
691 49 KB |
Rome - Colosseum 0907 922 X 691 42
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Rome - Trevi Fountain 0909 922 X
691 39 KB |
Rome to Florence - Train Ride 0912 922 X
691 49 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Florence - Uffizi Outdoor 0924.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Florence - Palazzo Vecchio 0931.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Florence - Uffizi Outdoor - Leonardo 0939.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_Florence - Duomo 0943.jpg) |
Florence - Uffizi Outdoor 0924 922 X
691 48 KB |
Florence - Palazzo Vecchio 0931 691 X
922 50 KB |
Florence - Uffizi Outdoor - Leonardo
0939 691 X 922 42 KB |
Florence - Duomo 0943 691 X 922 46
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